

Thursday, May 3, 2018





          WWE 2K17 is back with full action and excitement. This game is made for WWE Lovers and for those who love the game. The is full of fighting with different mods and players.

Since every move in a wrestling match should feel like it hurts, the pace of the game has been slowed right down – and it’s all the better for it. The impact of a bodyslam as someone is hurled into the mat is instantly apparent, and that goes for all manner of moves as well. Somewhat wonderfully, wrestlers actually sell these manoeuvrers, too, which is a far cry from when they’d leap back up to their feet regardless of what punishment had just been dealt out.That may seem like a disappointment given that we’re talking about 2K17 here, but it’s a solid first step and one that had to be included sooner or later. A good promo can be as entertaining as a good match. If 2K is able to capture that in the future, then we’re all going to benefit.

All of these changes, however incremental, move the needle in a positive direction. But some nagging issues still drag down the overall quality of the in-ring action. Now, I'm not expecting this series to suddenly adopt the fast-paced, arcade-style sensibilities of its forebears, but something slightly more sprightly wouldn’t be amiss, either. The pace of the action is still far too plodding, and the game is overly reliant on disconnected reversals dictating the outcome of each matchup. Maybe it's implausible, with such a bevy of moves available, to somehow coalesce the reversal system with the excellent motion-captured animation, but simply tapping a button when a prompt appears above your head feels far too rigid and detached from the action. These issues aren't game-breakers, and some will appreciate the deliberate pacing. But the series is still a long way off from being a king in the ring.For the first time in a few years, you can take the fight backstage, too. With the gorilla position, a hazardous hallway, locker room, and Authority office ready to be demolished, this isn't as gargantuan a space as it was in the halcyon days of WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw, but there's no denying the joy to be had powerbombing your opponent onto a sturdy oak desk while Vince McMahon stands by, undeterred. Sure, backstage brawls are nothing groundbreaking, but it's an anarchic addition that's entirely welcome.While extremely basic – you’re essentially presented with a list of dialogue options and have to pick the right one that matches up to your character’s personality – it’s a decent first effort. It’s a shame it’s all text at this point, and there’s not exactly a huge layer of depth here, but as a work in progress for the franchise – or one that will find its feet as the developer continues to tweak it – it’s a solid debut.



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